Ludovico Saint Amour di Chanaz

Who am I

Early Life

I was born in Rome, Italy in 1994 from a French mom and an Italian dad. I followed my education at Lycée Chateaubriand de Rome, the French school in Rome until I was 13. Then, due to familiar reasons I moved to Athens, Greece, where I continued a French education at the Lycée Franco-Hellenique Eugène Delacroix (LFHED). I graduated with honors with a special interest for sciences when I was 18, and moved to Paris to continue my education. 


There, I got my Bachelors in Biology at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), now Sorbonne Universités, where I graduated top of my class. I then entered a compatitive program that focused on neurosciences: The Dual Masters in Brain and Mind Sciences, a two year program. The first year was spent at the University College of London (UCL) where I followed courses and took a specific interest in memory. I did a Research Project with Prof. Hugo Spiers on spatial navigation, memory, and fMRI that resulted in the publication of a scientific paper. The second year was back in Paris, where I followed courses at UPMC and at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, where I followed an internship with Prof. Pascale Piolino of the University of Paris Descartes, with a specific focus on autobiographical memories and gender identity. 

After I graduated with honors from this masters, I started workin on my PhD thesis that I did at the University of Barcelona supervised by Prof. Lluis Fuentemilla and Dr. Alexis Pérez-Bellido, focusing on the encoding and recall of sequential episodic memories. My research recorded brain activity with implanted deep brain electrodes in the hippocampus of the epileptic patients. We discovered a theta-gamma phase code that predicted memory function in this brain area, a published the result in a paper in Current Biology. For the analysis, we used a method that I have invented during my PhD and that was then submitted to Journal of Neurosciences Methods.

During my PhD, I also started working as a scientific communicator with SproutsSchools, a YouTube channel that focuses on education, psychology and sociology, and was responsible of content creation and scientific research for the videos we publish, as well as the creation of an online course on Psychology. I obtained my PhD in  Cognitive Neurosciences with mention Excellent (Cum Laude) in January 2024.
You can read my thesis here

Is there life after academia?

After my ADHD diagnosis in 2022, I spent the following two years learning about ADHD in my own time, reading several hundred scientific papers and acquiring a considerable knowledge and experience into how ADHD affects all spheres of life, and on how people can better manage their ADHD symptoms with lifestyle changes, medication, or natural supplements. I was lucky enough to discover ADHD in one of my Neuroscience classes, and then to have the curiosity to dig deeper on the topic - the diagnosis just took a long, long time. 

I Spring 2024, I started following a Life Coaching certification, with 60 hours of lessons and a lot of reading resources, obtained a first online certification with Alison, and then a second one in Achology with the courses of Dr Kain Ramsay. Around the same time, I started working with Neurobridge, a coaching company for neurodivergent people, where I also learned about interactions between neurodivergence and the workplace. 

In June 2024, I started a personal project to do a predictive analysis on ADHD medication efficacy with the collaboration of the Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona - this project is ongoing and I will give more information about how it proceeds in the future.

In September 2024, I will start a course about a Communication Model based on Transactional Analysis in psychology. This Process Communication Model, created by Dr Taibi Kahler is entirely based on the observation of data, and is used by NASA to minimise conflict during space missions. Its use in clinical settings also decreased conflict by up to 70% between doctors and patients. This model applied to neurodiverse individuals who struggle with communication can improve quality of life drastically.  I will be a certified PCM trainer by January 2025.

Now I decided to set up my own practice, coaching people and businesses alike, with an intersectional approach combining my experience as a person with ADHD, my knowledge in neurosciences and psychology, and my insights about how all those things interact with a work environment.  

My ADHD has given me many challenges during my life, but has also given me many insights and opportunities, that I likely would not have taken, were it not for my singular brain, its risk-taking propension and the passion for knowledge burning within me. I understand now why ADHD is seen as a disability, because it makes a lot of things in every day life a lot harder. But I also understand now that with work on oneself, we can learn to harness the positives to their full extent, and to make peace with the negatives. 

I overcame all the obstacles linked to my neurodivergence with a vast amount of knowledge, self-acceptance and discipline. I now aim to empower others to follow their drams and attain their goals, giving them the knowledge that I have been lucky enough to stumble upon.

Something invaluable that I learned is that being neurodivergent, and suffering from a neurodivergence are two very different things. The first is completely out of our control. Our brain develops that way - or doesn't. The second, is to some extent, a choice. And we can choose to climb out of the abyss.